Sunday, December 28, 2008

CHristmas Images, David Lipscomb Univ., XMAS night.

Some images from Christmas night. Click 'em, they get bigger! The first two images are the left and right views, respectively, of one wide view, which the eyes can see but most cameras can't.

Monday, December 15, 2008

On hindsight being 20/20

It's been almost a year since my great-worst-Christmas-of-all-time debacle. What was I thinking? Just goes to show you, you can be delusional and out of touch with reality at any age.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Spirits of another sort

For those of you who appreciate distilled spirits, I can't recommend highly enough the Ridgemont Reserve 1792 Bourbon (or as the late, great Shelby Foote would say, "boibun".) It's brisk, mellow, smooth, firey and completely satisfying. No need to rush through it. And for goodness' sake don't put anything in it. All you need is a clean glass. Take it out onto the porch on a frosty night and appreciate the mysteries of existence.

Oh, and lest you think it's only for thems as got deep pockets, it's twenty bucks at Froogal's, or whatever your local meglo-likker-barn is. About twenty-five most everywhere else - and I don't have deep pockets. Heck, on some pants I ain't even got no pocketses!

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's one thing to be ignorant because one is uninformed and indifferent. It's another to spread one's ignorance.

Randy Jackson - he had gastric bypass surgery, he's on American Idol. He's one of the Jackson brothers. He's also a bit of an idiot. Just now, as a guest on The View, he was discussing his weight and that now he has Type 2 diabetes and "There's nothing you can do about it." He then when on to proclaim - pertaining to weight management - that "diet and exercise don't work for most people."

Randy, first: diet and exercise don't work only if you don't do it. We're not talking about rice cakes and 4 hours a day at the gym. Just small adjustments and changes over time.

Now about nothing to be done about Type 2 diabetes, the American Diabetes Association and the Mayo Clinic seem to differ. Here's a snippet from the latter's website.

"Type 2 diabetes, once known as adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar (glucose), your body's main source of fuel. Type 2 diabetes is often preventable, but the condition is on the rise — fueled largely by the current obesity epidemic.

When you have type 2 diabetes, your body is resistant to the effects of insulin — a hormone that regulates the absorption of sugar into your cells — or your body produces some, but not enough, insulin to maintain a normal glucose level. Left uncontrolled, the consequences of type 2 diabetes can be life-threatening.
" (emphasis mine.)

While it may be true that once an individual let's himself go fail-safe, past the point-of-no-return, the condition cannot be "cured" and must be dealt with via medication, here's a thought:
"Don't get past the point-of-no-return!"

Off-hand, casually dismissive remarks like RJ's - especially coming from someone with celebrity status - simply give license to others to be irresponsible with life-style choices, or give up trying.

While it's true that there are people who for medical reasons cannnot keep their metabolism under control - perhaps people with thyroid conditions - the reality is that most people can keep their bodies pretty well-tuned and functioning simply by giving it what it needs: decent nutrition and regular physical activity and nothing that it doesn't need or want: tobacco, Sterno, etc.

The human body is a remarkable creation and is surprisingly forgiving . . . until it gets the message that the occupant doesn't give a *&%$. Then it might just refuse to play anymore. I can't do anything about my changes in vision: no amount of steamed broccoli or aerobic exercise is going to reverse my astigmatism. But it's a quantifiable fact that if I feel my clothes getting tight I can start walking again and watch the sugar intake and - lo and behold, it's a miracle! - my clothes start fitting again.

This is another entry in the Don't Pee On My Leg And Tell Me It's Raining folder.